Housing insecure Vermonters need your help!

April 22, 2020, Morrisville, VT. While our region of Vermont collectively recovers from the initial shock of the coronavirus pandemic, we felt compelled to reach out to offer comfort, share organizational updates, recognize your support, and issue a call to action. Despite this difficult and uncertain time, Vermonters’ kindness and resiliency gives us hope. In this moment, Lamoille Housing Partnership is here with you, and together, we can do this. We are Vermont Strong.

Lamoille Housing Partnership staff, left to right: Jim Lovinsky, Executive Director. Kerrie Lohr, Public Relations & Fundraising Manager. Susan Sinnott, Finance Manager.

Lamoille Housing Partnership staff, left to right: Jim Lovinsky, Executive Director. Kerrie Lohr, Public Relations & Fundraising Manager. Susan Sinnott, Finance Manager.

Organizational updates.

In March, our three-person staff, property management partner, and SASH coordinator made key adjustments to protect the health and safety of our residents, SASH participants and our employees. Since then, our 440+ residents have remained safe and supported in their homes; maintenance staff has increased cleaning and sanitization of Lamoille Housing Partnership’s 12 properties, and property managers are working to keep residents whose employment has been impacted by COVID-19 housed.

Lamoille Housing Partnership’s daily operations have continued, including the 24-unit Village Center Apartment project planning, as well as our administrative partnership with Lamoille Community House. This partnership role helps the shelter continue their important work supporting local community members experiencing homelessness. SASH programming continues supporting 77 older and disabled Vermonters with free health and wellness programming. In addition to sustaining this work, Lamoille Housing Partnership is also contributing to state and local COVID-19 initiatives. In short, our essential, affordable housing work continues.

Cherry Street, Hardwick, VT.

Cherry Street, Hardwick, VT.

Housing is healthcare.

Housing remains a crucial key to slowing coronavirus' spread. However, not everyone has safe or stable housing. The "stay home, stay safe" call to action echoed worldwide has magnified the disproportionate impacts of coronavirus on housing insecure, homeless, and vulnerable populations.

Where do those without homes shelter in place? Are they more at risk for infection? Can laid off or furloughed workers afford their housing costs? Do vulnerable populations have safe homes? What does their future look like? How will these challenges affect Vermont communities?

Vermonters impacted by COVID-19 are struggling to get back on their feet, and affordable housing is an essential, at hand solution that will aid health and economic recovery efforts in our communities. Lamoille Housing Partnership’s mission in action and expertise well positions our organization to bolster emergency, temporary housing efforts happening on the ground now, and lead longer term, permanent housing initiatives planned for the future. Our work to support the wellbeing of our vulnerable neighbors and solve the region’s housing affordability problem has never been more essential. 

Lamoille Housing Partnership resident enjoying some down time at home in her kitchen.

Lamoille Housing Partnership resident enjoying some down time at home in her kitchen.

“I’m warm, safe, and I can afford it.”

More than 440 of your neighbors have an affordable, safe home to take shelter in right now, because of generous contributions to LHP from local businesses and individuals. When you give to Lamoille Housing Partnership, you are helping safeguard the health and wellbeing of families with children, the local workforce, aging and disabled Vermonters, veterans and people who have experienced homelessness, and that of our greater community.

Your generosity also supports Lamoille Housing Partnership’s Housing Opportunity Fund, ensuring that we can continue our important community investments to provide future housing opportunities for your neighbors who are without a safe, affordable home now.

Maple Street Apartments is a Support And Services At Home (SASH) site. SASH programming provides free health and wellness supports to older and disabled Lamoille Housing Partnership residents, as well as eligible participants who reside in communiti…

Maple Street Apartments is a Support And Services At Home (SASH) site. SASH programming provides free health and wellness supports to older and disabled Lamoille Housing Partnership residents, as well as eligible participants who reside in communities in our service area.

Housing call to action – we need your help.

The coronavirus pandemic has created significant funding challenges for Lamoille Housing Partnership. Due to the cancellation or postponement of annual, successful fundraising events including our annual Harvest for Housing fundraiser and Rusty Nail benefit, LHP is facing a potential loss of $45,000 in fundraising revenue. Federal and state grants comprise a majority of our project funding, and fundraising is essential to our business model, too – affordable housing projects such as Sylvan Woods in Stowe, Arthur’s on Main in Morrisville, and Evergreen Manor in Hardwick were made possible because of philanthropic support given by you and our local partners.

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You make a difference in the lives of housing insecure Vermonters when you give to Lamoille Housing Partnership. Your dollars are put to work in your community, reinvested in affordable housing and community development work – long term solutions essential to supporting the safety and wellbeing of your neighbors, and the vibrancy of your community.

Gifts can be made safely, securely online at,

OR by check mailed to: Lamoille Housing Partnership, PO Box 637, Morrisville, VT 05661.

Interested in more ways to support Lamoille Housing Partnership? Click here to learn more!

Be well, and with our deepest gratitude, - TEAM LHP

Jim Lovinsky, Executive Director

Susan Sinnott, Finance Manager

Kerrie Lohr, Public Relations & Fundraising Manager

David Ford, Board President

Cheryl Fuller, Vice President

Stefanie Eichler, Treasurer

Tess Milner, Secretary

Davis Koier, Board Member

Brian Story, Board Member

Graham Mink, Board Member

Lamoille Community House representative, Board Member